Monday, April 2, 2012

Visual Group Thoughts

I am in the visual display group, and I think one of the biggest challenges we faced was trying to come up with a display that still related to last year’s project, yet at the same time made our project different and unique. I think the banner is a great idea because, in my opinion, it is the aspect of our project that is the most unique from last year. I think that the clothesline is a really interesting visual display because it definitely catches people’s attention. Often on campus we are bombarded with flyers and posters, but never before have I seen a clothesline on campus. I always felt that incorporating the clothesline into this year’s project was important because it still catches people’s attention, while at the same time referring back to last years project and tying the two together.

One issue that our group felt came from last year’s project was the fact that, until the clothesline was actually put up, students weren’t able to look at other student’s responses to the prompt. Having a banner on library bridge is important because students will be able to look at the responses already put up and find more inspiration or direction to where the project is going. I think that if I were asked to fill in the prompt “I am, but also” without any type of example, I would have a hard time answering. Furthermore, hopefully some of the responses will be so thought provoking they will encourage others to share more personal responses. For those who are not comfortable sharing their ideas in such a public way, we will provide note cards to write on. People in our class will write the answers on the note cards on the banner.
The second aspect of the visual group that sets us apart from last year was our incorporation of buttons into our project. We definitely did not want to get rid of the t-shirts: the problem with t-shirts is their expense. We want as many people as possible promoting our slogan around campus- buttons offer us a way to do that. Students will be able to write their responses on the buttons and then wear them on their shirts, backpacks, etc. Furthermore, the buttons are big enough that they are noticeable but not overwhelming.
I think that, overall, our group does a good job of talking over our problems, like figuring out whether to order buttons, stickers, wrist bands, etc., and coming to a decision that everyone feels comfortable with. One complaint I have about our group is our lack of communication with other groups. I think that going forward I am going to make a conscious effort to not only accomplish the tasks set out for our group individually, but communicate better with the PR and film groups to make sure they are comfortable and aware about the decisions we make. Our project won’t achieve anything if all members of the class don’t promote it, just like we are relying on other members outside of the visual group to help us with our display on library bridge. The second complaint I have stems from trying to make our project different from last year’s project. I think all of us take pride in this project and want it to be our own, but are having difficulty making it unique, while at the same time trying to make it tie in with what last year’s class has already done. At this point, it seems that all plans for the rest of the semester are already in place, so there is no point in readjusting anything we have already planned. I just wonder if there is something that we could do at the final event that would help set us apart. Hopefully if we get more people to interview for the film crew we will get more personal insight than last year’s group, and will be able to take the project in a new direction.

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